Sugar Balance Botanical Blend - Cinnamon, Zinc, Biotin, Magnesum, Guggul,Bitter Mellon, ALA, L-Taurine and More - 90 Capsules
About this item
- ✅ MORE THAN SIMPLE CINNAMON - Contains a better blend of minerals and herbs
- ✅ CONTAINS CHROMIUM - Chromium is a trace mineral and is essential to the human body. It’s needed to help process carbohydrate, protein, and fat
- ✅ L-TAURINE - has the positive side effect of potentially helping the body to deal with sugar/carbs
- ✅ ALPHA LIPOIC ACID - is an antioxidant specifically helpful for individuals with elevated blood sugar levels
- ✅ BITTER MELLON - a that fruit contains at least three active substances with sugar balancing properties
Product Description

Millions of Americans suffer from blood sugar challenges. From high blood sugar, low blood sugar, dysglycemia, Syndrome X, insulin resistance and “Diabesity” to name but a few. Sugar imbalances include many unwanted symptoms such as:
- Weight gain
- Liver problems
- Pancreas problems
- Digestive problems
- Low energy
- Sleep pattern disturbances
- Sugar cravings
- Brain fog
- Memory loss
- Cardiovascular complications
- Numbness, pain and tingling
- Vision issues
- Blood pressure challenges
- Cholesterol imbalances
- Kidney issues
For many people their blood sugar issues can be controlled and even reversed by proper nutrition, weight control and physical activity.
Sugar Balance Botanical Blend+ has over 20 ingredients to assist your liver and pancreas to stabilize your blood sugar. Proper glucose levels are achieved by healthy insulin production and cellular insulin sensitivity. The Sugar Balance Botanical Blend+ formula has the most researched vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs to help maintain your body's delicate sugar equilibrium.
Just a few key ingredients in Sugar Balance are:
- Vanadyl Sulfate has an insulin-like effect in the body, stimulating glucose uptake and its oxidation in the cells. That’s why it is such an effective therapy for insulin resistance. More specifically, it has been shown to: Increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar.In studies in which cholesterol was measured, vanadyl sulfate also improved cholesterol numbers. This is another important benefit for people with blood sugar challenges, since they are at greater risk of cardiovascular complications. There are hundreds of studies—some dating back more than 20 years—that demonstrate vanadyl sulfate’s profound benefits for managing and controlling blood sugar.
- Biotin is a B-complex vitamin that stimulates liver glucose activity and absorption in muscles. Biotin appears to up-regulate genes that have a positive blood sugar effect. Biotin helps regulate insulin response via stimulation of the insulin receptor and the pancreatic and liver gluckokinase genes. In the liver, glucokinase is responsible for glucose uptake and metabolism. Thus, when glucokinase is activated, more glucose is utilized for energy as opposed to increasing systemic blood sugar levels. More specifically, biotin increases the activity of glucokinase which causes glucose to be taken up by the cells for utilization.
- Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps support healthy blood sugar levels and helps support healthy energy metabolism.
- Zinc has been shown in laboratory studies to act like insulin when administered to insulin-sensitive tissue and that it seems to stimulate insulin action. It binds to insulin receptors, activates insulin signaling pathways, and more, all of which result in glucose uptake by cells and clearance of glucose from the blood. Zinc is also necessary for the correct processing, storage, and secretion of insulin, and it can protect against β-cell loss. Because zinc is so closely tied to insulin functioning, zinc deficiency is associated with poor β-cell function and higher incidences of insulin resistance.
- Manganese: Some studies seem to show that people with blood sugar problems have low levels of manganese in their blood. But researchers don't know if having blood sugar problems causes levels to drop, or whether low levels of manganese contribute to developing blood sugar problems.
- L-Taurine has the positive side effect of potentially reducing insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps regulate the levels of blood sugar in the body. When insulin is released into the bloodstream, it promotes a reduction in blood sugar levels. Individuals with insulin resistance fail to respond properly to insulin, and their blood sugar levels remain high, which can lead to blood sugar challenges. A study published in "Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome" in 2010 indicates that taurine supplementation can help protect against insulin resistance in rats fed a consistently high-sugar diet.
- Vitamin C and E are antioxidants. People with blood sugar issues tend to have increased "oxidative stress"-that means they have higher levels of dangerous free radicals without adequate levels of antioxidants to counteract them. This causes damage in the body. Oxidative or free radical stress is associated with the onset of blood sugar challenges and the development of devastating complications to the eyes, kidneys, and nerves.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant specifically helpful for individuals with elevated blood sugar. Alpha-lipoic acid also is therapeutic because it lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, reduces insulin resistance, and improves insulin sensitivity. Sushil K. Jain, Ph.D., of the Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, has demonstrated how alpha-lipoic acid raises levels of glucose-burning enzymes and doubles cells' ability to burn glucose. One of the common complications of a sugar imbalance is damage to nerve cells, and alpha-lipoic acid is a superior supplement for this condition. Research indicates that alpha-lipoic acid protects against nerve damage in several ways. High glucose levels are potent generators of free radicals, and as a blood-sugar balancer, alpha-lipoic acid restores normal glucose levels. As an antioxidant and regenerator of antioxidants, alpha-lipoic acid also directly and indirectly reduces the free radical damage nerve cells are subject to. Alpha-lipoic acid also increases blood circulation, so more nutrients (and antioxidants) can be delivered to nerve cells, and it increases nerve conduction-that is, the speed of transmitted nerve signals.

Sugar Balance Botanical Blend+ for balancing and supporting healthy:
- Blood sugar
- Weight control
- Sugar and carb cravings
- Pancreas and liver function
- Insulin production and sensitivity
- Afternoon energy

Specific minerals & macro nutrients help maintain proper sugar level
Specific minerals and micro and macro nutrients help maintain proper sugar balance.
Chromium is a trace mineral and is essential to the human body. It’s needed to help process carbohydrate, protein, and fat, and it enhances the action of insulin. Chromium has been deemed to be the magic blood sugar balancing ingredient and is called “glucose tolerance factor,” or GTF for short. Quite a bit of research has been done to study the effect of chromium on various health conditions.

Powerful Antioxidants
Vitamin C and E are antioxidants. People with blood sugar issues tend to have increased "oxidative stress"-that means they have higher levels of dangerous free radicals without adequate levels of antioxidants to counteract them. This causes damage in the body. Oxidative or free radical stress is associated with the onset of blood sugar challenges and the development of devastating complications to the eyes, kidneys, and nerves

Bitter Mellon
Bitter Melon is a that fruit contains at least three active substances with sugar balancing properties, including charantin, which has been confirmed to have a blood glucose-lowering effect, vicine and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p. These substances either work individually or together to help reduce blood sugar levels.
It is also known that bitter melon contains a lectin that reduces blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues and suppressing appetite.
Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon Powder has been used for several thousand years in traditional Ayurvedic and Greco-European medical systems. A study performed at the US Department of Agriculture’s Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center isolated insulin-enhancing complexes in cinnamon that are involved in preventing or alleviating glucose intolerance. Three water-soluble polyphenol polymers were found to have beneficial biological activity, increasing insulin-dependent glucose metabolism by roughly 20-fold.

Size & Weight |
Size: |
2 in x 2 in x 4 in |
Weight: |
3.2 oz |